Enhancing the citizens’ access to public information through using mobile technology (APIM, 2015-2016)


Overall Objective: To contribute to poverty reduction and better protection and promotion of rights and voices, particularly for young people, women and vulnerable people and groups, by promoting a culture of public information disclosure, strengthening democratic participation, and transparency and accountability within the Decentralisation and De-concentration framework in Cambodia, particularly in the targeted Commune and District Councils, and advocating for equitable


  • Increased public information available on critical issues affecting communities in 13 district administrations;
  • Increased access to public information on laws and policies;
  • Supported productive dialogue and participation in democratic decision making to enhance the voices of and protect the rights of communities particularly vulnerable people in targeted areas;
  • Increased their knowledge, understanding and skills of 195 councillors to support their functions with more transparency and accountability, including human rights, public information disclosure and collaboration with communities, local civil society and the government;
  • Civil society organisations and networks are able to effectively contribute to democratic governance, human rights, environmental governance, de-centralisation, transparency and accountability, information disclosure and development processes at local and national level.

You can read summary here.