People’s Access to Public Information (2012-2013)


Funded by United Nations Democracy Fund (UNDEF)

Amount of the UNDEF grant: USD 200,000.00

Objectives: Improve access to information and information disclosure happening in six communes in three provinces.

Actions & Results:

  • Capacity of local councils and community-based organizations enhanced to promote access to information to best serve the interest of the people. By the commune records an average of ten community members accessed information at the Commune Hall directly each day. They looked for information on forestry issues, land issues, fisheries and environmental issues, civic registration, election registration and water usages.
  • Base on the commune boxes, 71% of respondents confirmed about they were requested commune information and most of them request by verbally and around 79% of them got those information requested but only half of them got full information. 63.4% of sampled population of 132 villagers reported of having access to public information despite their low education level. The majority did not even complete primary schools and over 20% of them were not literate and only one of the sample groups completed grade 12. Thus, an effective method to disclose public information and interactive participation is the weekly village-level meeting/forum.
  • Awareness about access to information among local communities increased 70.71% local citizen (43,600) and 24 CBOs (83%) in target communities directly participated in project information dissemination activities and gained more knowledge on the rights of access to information and role of citizen in promoting commune election information, environmental issues and other various sectorial issues.
  • Access to information integrated into the target council’s administration and plans. 100% (All) six target communes have integrated access to information into their annual work plans especially information regarding public services where free flow of information and public access to disclosure of specific information is easy accessible. They are professionally managing commune documents including filing systems, contents and displays via Information Board for public access to information. The public accessed 558 subjects of comprehensive written information such as Government plans, decisions, sub-degree and laws.
  • Public dialogue on access to information increased to support the passage of an Access to Information law. In total 64% (79 members) of parliament from the National Assembly and Senate (17 women) attended project activities to discuss on a legal framework for access to information.