In June 2021, our project team completed the second round of the Awareness Raising Campaign on Covid-19 prevention in the Chet Borey District (Province of Kratie). Youth representatives and commune councillors from Thma Kre, Thma Andaeuk, Kantuot, Sambok and Koh Chraeng joined this dissemination initiative which also touched on the issues of self-study and online learning, avoiding school drop-outs, and preventing human trafficking. Similar activities were organised in the District of S’ang (Province of Kandal). The third round of the campaign, which started in mid-June, focused additionally on the topic of waste management, using banners in public places and a classic door-to-door approach.
As part of our UNICEF-funded project called “Strengthening Youth Participation in Local Planning and Budgeting”, we emphasized the need for young people in all these communities to better understand the way local administration works, in order to be able to effectively participate in decision-making processes. By disseminating booklets on commune budgeting, we are hoping to increase the public awareness of the main income sources available to the local administration, as well as of the way these funds are subsequently spent.