On November 16, 2021, our urban I-SAF project team was in Teuk Thla (district of Sen Sok, Phnom Penh), running an information for citizens (I4C) campaign and giving residents the chance to rate public services in a community scorecard meeting. This comes after similar activities had been implemented in Khmuonh the week before, with more than 40 new community accountability facilitators especially trained for moderating these events.
In the context of the drastic social and economic impact the Covid-19 pandemic and the restrictions have had on the livelihoods of many Cambodians, API focuses on social protection as one of the top priorities in 2021 and 2022. It is essential that the government and the local administrations do more in order to meet the needs of all citizens, especially those of vulnerable groups who suffered most during lockdowns, business closures and limitations of economic activities.
But it is equally important that the new, direly necessary social protection tasks are performed in a transparent, predictable and accountable way. And this is why, in our project called “Citizen Engagement for Social Accountability in Social Protection”, which is funded by Oxfam, we concentrate on mainstreaming these topics and bringing them to the grassroots level. We would like to thank again all our volunteers, without the help of whom this would simply not be possible.