CtGA: Advocacy Training Sessions for CSOs

| 6-September-2021

On September 6, 2021, the Change the Game Academy (CtGA) project funded by the Wilde Ganzen Foundation conducted an online advocacy training session with the Cambodian Organization for Woman Support (COWS) in Kampong Thom province. Their advocacy plan focuses on the local authorities, the forestry administrations and other stakeholders in order to raise funds for the community forest management. Most of the community members are indigenous Kuoy living in the Prasat Ballangk district. With APIosinglequoteos facilitation, meetings with local stakeholders have been organised to mobilise resources for this goal, so that communities regain their confidence to manage and use their forest without conflicts. Separately, on September 08, 2021, the same kind of online training session was conducted with the Village Support Group (VSG), a civil society organisation active in Battambang and Banteay Meanchey. VSG focuses on stopping the crime of clearing flooded forests.