On 9 June 2021, more than 100 leaders and members of the Provincial Associations of Local Councillors in Pursat, Banteay Meanchey, Kampong Thom, Kampong Speu, Kandal and Kep attended a one-day online training course on facilitation skills. By the end of the day, participants were able to identify and explain the difference between teaching and facilitation, the characteristics, skills and attitudes of good facilitators, and the methods or tools to be applied in good facilitation. They were also able to recognise some of the things a good facilitator should avoid, such as judging the ideas expressed by members of the audience or talk too much about themselves. Moreover, they had equally learned how to raise questions, listen, summarise and provide constructive feedback. Finally, participants were able to identify challenges in facilitations, and practiced dealing with shy, silent, or dominant members of the audience, they learnt tips for good facilitators, and tips meant to empower the audience to get involved in discussions, meetings, and training activities.
Although the course achieved its objectives, we also faced a few challenges, such as the unstable internet connection of some of the participants, or the fact that some participants were not very active in online class work. All in all, however, the course achieved the expected results, with almost 90% of the participants passing the post-test, while only 36% of the participants had passed the pre-test.
This activity was part of a series of training courses offered in the framework of our EU-funded project dedicated to capacity building for local officials. Previous topics we had addressed included project management, report writing, as well as monitoring and evaluation. Participants are still to dive into other issues, such as leadership and advocacy skills. The project is meant to improve the institutional and operational capacity of the Provincial Associations of Local Councillors, and it is implemented by API together with the Local Councillors’ Association in Pursat and Aide et Action.