OW4C: Public Forum in Poipet

| 25-August-2021

On 25th August 2021, the USAID-funded OW4C project team in Banteay Meanchey conducted a virtual public forum in the city of Poipet. Local government officials including the chief of One Window Service Unit, the head of the Ombudsman Office, municipal councillors, chiefs of districts and the deputy governor took part in the forum, along with. youths, students, factory workers, farmers, day labourers, NGO and CBO staff and other citizens. A USAID representative also joined the event, the total numbers of participants in the forum being almost 80. Mr. Vanpannit Man, senior programme manager with API, opened the floor and expressed his appreciation for the good cooperation with the local government. He also addressed the problems generated by the Covid-19 outbreak, which made a change of format necessary. Mr. Vireak Hoeun, the deputy district governor of Poipet, praised the achievements of the One Window Service Office (OWSO) in 2020 and 2021, while Mr. Samnang Meas, the chief of the OWSO, presented the general situation in the city of Poipet, going into details regarding the history, the structure, workflow, roles and responsibilities, achievements and challenges confronting his institution. During the questions and answers session, more than 20 questions were addressed by the participants to the government officials.