Coaching Session for CBOs

| 8-September-2021

On 8 September 2021, the representatives of 14 community-based organisations (CBOs) from Banteay Meanchey and Kampong Speu have taken part in a coaching session meant to enable them to develop advocacy plans, clearly formulate the main issues they want to address and the impact of these issues on their community, as well as the key actions they want to undertake in order to reach their advocacy goals. In the framework of the same session, our project team has also provided orientation on how to use Telegram, and we have explained the CBO representatives the basic of our Policy on the Protection from Sexual Harassment, Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) and our Child Safeguarding Policy. The coaching session is part of our project called “Citizens’ Voices and Actions for Sustainable Development”, which is funded by Bread for the World and DanChurch Aid and implemented by API in an effort to strengthen the capacity of small, locally active civil society organisations.