Reflection Workshop on Voices of Persons with Disabilities

| 2-October-2020

On 2 October, our team held the annual reflection and learning workshop dedicated to our project called Voices and Actions of Persons with Disabilities in Social Accountability. Organised in the town of Doun Kaeo (the capital of the Takeo province), the event was joined by Mr. Than Huem, the deputy governor of the district of Tram Kak, where the initiative is being implemented, by Mr. Kuemchung Chedth, a representative of the National Committee for Sub-National Democratic Development, as well as by many of our direct beneficiaries: teachers and school directors, health centre personnel, commune councillors and mayors, and around 25 Tram Kak residents living with various disabilities.


The discussions focused on the main lessons we have learnt while implementing this project as an innovative complement of the broad reform agenda known as the Social Accountability Framework (I-SAF). Thus, many participants brought up the issue of what needs to be done in order to make local public institutions more accessible. So far, although some schools, health centres and public administration buildings have been fitted with ramps and dedicated toilets, this is still not the case everywhere in Tram Kak. Poor road infrastructure and the lack of virtually any form of public transportation makes matters worse. Another broad topic was of course inclusion: Here, significant progress has been made, and an impressive number of persons with disabilities regularly take part in local decision making processes, offering meaningful feedback to the authorities and local service providers.


Our partners from Epic Arts also attended the event, presenting a contemporary dance performance aimed at advocating for the rights and needs of persons with disabilities. Mr. Buntheng Ou, operation manager with this Kampot based organisation, explained how this creative approach has contributed to raising public awareness, and also to encouraging persons with disabilities to participate more in social life. Many members of the audience were indeed visibly touched, and they acknowledged the need for a consistent efforts towards true inclusion. We have been implementing this project since 2018, benefitting from funding through the Voice grant facility of the Dutch Foreign Affairs Ministry, a scheme locally operated by Oxfam Cambodia. You can find out more about this initiative here and watch some of the latest performances (at the National Conference on Social Accountability, in February) on our YouTube channel.