Grassroots Advocacy Course for Indigenous Women

| 26-February-2021

On February 16-26, 2021, our team provided training courses on Grassroots Advocacy to more than 80 women leaders from 8 different communes mainly inhabited by indigenous people, as well as around 20 other forestry, agriculture and fishery communities. The courses took place in the cities of Kratie and Pursat, and at the Prasat Ballangk District Hall, province of Kampong Thom, within the framework of our project called “Access for All: Promoting Access to Information in Cambodia”. The participants are getting more confident and their knowledge of key advocacy and legal concepts is increasing, while their communication and public speaking skills are improving. Most of them have already developed their advocacy plans, thus bringing up issues that will have to be taken into account when local authorities are putting together development plans. This initiative is implemented by API and the East-West Management Institute and funded by the US Department of State.