At the end of March, our project called “One Window for Citizens” (OW4C) launched “Pidor, the Smart Villager” in the province of Banteay Meanchey. Pidor is a Facebook-based chatbot that provides Cambodian citizens information on local public services. For those Cambodians who don’t have stable access to the Internet yet, Pidor also comes as an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) tool, answering phone calls. The tool especially focuses on the services offered by the One Window Services Office (OWSO), enabling citizens to provide feedback on how these offices are organised. The instrument was launched in the province of Battambang in 2020, and, on March 29, API conducted an online meeting with the administration of the Battambang municipality in order to promote access to information and accountability by monitoring the use of Pidor. On March 30, API organised a similar meeting with the Banteay Meanchey provincial administration, discussing the state of the project implementation in the cities of Serey Soaphoan and Poi Pet. This meeting was also attended by our partners, Nickol Global Solutions and InSTEED. OW4C is an initiative funded by USAID and implemented by API in the provinces of Banteay Meanchey, Battambang and Kampong Chhnang. You can watch a related animation produced by our partners by clicking on this link.