Inception Meeting for Social Protection Project

| 22-September-2021

On September 22, 2021, API conducted an online inception meeting dedicated to the launch of our new project called “Citizen Engagement in Social Accountability to Enhance Social Protection”. The meeting was attended by around 25 participants, among whom we would like to mention representatives of NCDD and Oxfam, commune and district officers, community accountability facilitators and members of vulnerable groups in the district of Sen Sok. Local officials and NGO partners who have signed MoUs with NCDD highlighted the importance of the I-SAF reform agenda. Oxfam representatives gave a brief overview of the topic of social protection in the Cambodian context. The goals of the new project are linked to our previous activities in Khan Sen Sok, which have been meant to improve the access of vulnerable groups to public services in the framework of I-SAF, as well as to offer emergency aid to more than 500 low-income families during the lockdown in April. The new project’s focus on social protection comes after intense discussions on how to implement it in order to bring a real benefit to vulnerable groups and allow them to participate in our project by using a flexible methodology.