Field Visit in Prasat Ballangk

| 30-September-2021

On September 30, 2021, our “Citizens’ Voices and Actions for the Sustainable Development” project team went on a field visit to the district of Prasat Ballangk (Kampong Thom) in order to look into some of the issues raised by the community-based organisations (CBOs) active here. Many of these issues concern community land conflicts or other kinds of non-judicial disputes grassroots activists have brought up in their meetings with the authorities. The president of the Prasat Ballangk District Council also took part in the field visit, in order to better understand the needs and challenges faced by CBOs in his constituency. Beyond problems of access to community forests or cases of land encroachment by private companies, such as in the commune of Sala Visay, other grassroots activists requested additional funding for education projects, especially in the area of digital literacy. This initiative benefitted from funding by Bread for the World (BfdW) and DanChurch Aid (DCA), as well as from the cooperation with our other project dedicated to enhancing the capacity of the Provincial Associations of Local Councillors (PALCs), which is funded by the EU.