Land Encroachment Issue Reported by CBOs

| 23-August-2021

On 23 August 2021, community-based organisations in the Kampong Svay district (Kompong Thom) reported to the Provincial Governor and district authorities about a community land encroachment issue affecting more than 70 citizens. Consequently, the Deputy Governor of the province visited the fishing community of Samky the same day, to look into the issue. He discussed with the community leaders, he collected information and told the members of the community that he would report the issue, trying to find a solution. This course of events was facilitated in the framework of our project called “Voices and Actions for Sustainable Development”, which is funded by Bread for the World and DanChurch Aid and implemented by API in an effort to increase the capacity of community-based organisations to advocate for their issues and have a real say in public decision-making processes.