Reflection Workshop for Local Councillors

| 5-November-2021

On November 5, 2021, the Provincial Association of Local Councillors in Kandal held a reflection workshop on the status of the project implementation. Mr. Chheng Kong, the president of the association, said that they were keen on improving their capacity in the two target districts, S’ang and Ang Snuol, in order to be able to increase their accountability, transparency and responsiveness to the needs of the citizens, especially to those of various vulnerable groups. “We will also encourage all the initiatives that are creative and aim at prioritising critical issues. This will enable us to be more efficient at providing public services to everyone in our communities”, Mr. Kong declared to the TVK channel. “Enhancing the Institutional and Operational Capacity of the Provincial Associations of Local Councillors” is a project funded by the EU and implemented by API in six provinces, together with our partners from Aide et Action and AMDCS Pursat, in an effort to help local officials better perform the duties of their mandates.