Between October 25 and 27, 2021, our urban I-SAF project team offered our community accountability facilitators (CAFs) in Khan Sen Sok a training session on the topic of social protection. Before the session, participants had been requested to take part in a pre-test in order for us to assess their prior understanding of the key concepts in the area of social accountability in social protection. We found that only one out of a total of 13 facilitators was familiar with these topics, which are new for most Cambodians. However, after taking part in our course, all participants passed the post-test and, moreover, proved to be able to explain these concepts to citizens as final beneficiaries. Therefore, we have strong reasons to believe that our CAFs will be in a good position when it comes to facilitating information for citizens (I4C) campaigns, community scorecard meetings, self-assessment sessions with service users and service providers and other I-SAF events. This activity is part of our Oxfam-funded project dedicated to implementing the social accountability framework (I-SAF) in the district of Sen Sok (Phnom Penh), which this year focuses on the issue of social protection.