Since its establishment in 2003, API has produced a range of advocacy publications in both Khmer and English that provide advocates and lobbyists with a better understanding of advocacy concepts, as well as guidance on how to conduct successful advocacy campaigns. Beyond this material directed towards a broader public, we would also like to present our annual and multi-annual reports, our latest strategic plan, as well as further documents that define our priorities or assess our achievements. Finally, API documented more than 100 case studies underlining the impact of its projects, some of which can be found in our archive.
Our Publications
Strategic Plan 2024 - 2028
This Strategic Plan is aligned with the RGC’s Pentagonal Strategy and the UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework, Cambodia 2024 – 2028, that has as intended outcome, among others: “By 2028, people in Cambodia, especially those at risk of being left behind, live in an increasingly gender-equal and inclusive society with an active civic space and enjoying more effective and accountable institutions.”
Latest Annual Report
With API’s 4th Strategic Plan (SP) for the period of 2019 to 2023, API pursues the strategic goal of realising the rights and enhancing the voices of citizens for sustainable development in Cambodia with a focus on women, youth and disadvantaged groups (low-income citizens, persons with disabilities, indigenous people and out of school children in Cambodia. In 2022, API has completed and achieved positive results under four main strategic outcomes in 15 provinces and at the national level.