Our team would like to warmly welcome Mr. Mengly Heng, who has joined API this week, and will mainly be in charge of our brand new project called “Innovations for Social Accountability in Cambodia” (ISAC). This initiative is funded by the USAID through FHI360, and it is implemented by API in Ta Khmao (Kandal), in an effort to help citizens improve their own skills and capacities in order to efficiently hold local government representatives accountable. By using up-to-date digital technology, we are hoping to improve and facilitate access to information, build networks for collective action, and strengthen the demand for solution the problems of this local community.
Our new colleague, Mengly, has more than 10 years of experience in capacity building, advocacy, and well as in community development and mobilisation. Before joining API, he used to work for Plan International Cambodia, the National Committee for Sub-National Democratic Development (NCDD), the Cambodian Centre for the Study and Development of Agriculture (CEDAC), and the Association of the Blind in Cambodia. He holds a Master’s degree in Management from the Build Bright University and a Bachelor’s in Agronomy from the Kampong Cham National School of Agriculture. Our team would like to wish him success in accomplishing his new tasks at API, and is more than happy to help him adapt to our open and friendly working environment.