Battambang Youth Learn about the Ombudsman

| 29-May-2020

Our “One Window for Citizens” (OW4C) project team conducted a four day training for youth in Battambang, between May 26 and May 29. The training was dedicated to the role of the district ombudsman, mainly focusing on explaining young people what the responsibilities of this office are. Our trainer Rithy Oun engaged the participants in a discussion about the complaint mechanisms available for ordinary citizens, about the opportunities of addressing, engaging with, and monitoring the ombudsmen. On a more general note, the training reminded the 30 young men and women who joined this activity that, as Cambodian citizens, they enjoy the right to participate in local decision making processes, as well as the right to assess and comment on the quality of the public services offered by local authorities. The One Window Service Offices (OWSOs) this USAID-funded project concentrates on are no exception in this respect, and their performance can and should regularly be evaluated by the final beneficiaries of the services they offer. The training also provided an opportunity for the participants to improve their advocacy and public speaking skills, and the youth were encouraged to request information from local officials whenever they feel something is not clear about the way public services work.