On 9 September 2021, our project team has been hosting an online meeting with ten community-based organizations (CBOs) and the local councillors in the province of Pursat. We have been discussing the topic of strengthening the capacity of CBOs and their representatives have raised some issues with the Provincial Association of Municipal, District and Commune Councillors. During the meeting, participants have pointed out that there are problems in their communities, such as crime and the lack of timely action by the authorities to prevent it, difficulties in travelling to and attending the regular meetings of the local councils, the insufficient disclosure of public information by the officials, and many other issues that hinder the public from attending meetings. However, as a result of the discussions, our team has been able to submit a number of proposals to various commune authorities regarding land disputes, community forest patrols, planting trees, fishing using illegal devices and reorganising community committees. These activities are part of our project called “Citizens’ Voices and Actions for Sustainable Development”, which is funded by Bread for the World and DanChurch Aid, in cooperation with our other initiative dedicated to strengthening the operational and institutional capacity of local councillors’ associations.