Chet Borey: Training Session for New CAFs

| 10-September-2021

In the second week of September 2021, our Digital ISAF project team conducted two training sessions with more than 60 community accountability facilitators (CAFs) from the provinces of Kratie, Steung Traeng and Mondulkiri. The main purpose of the session was to build the capacity of the new CAFs, enabling them to facilitate the Information for Citizens (I4C) and budget disclosure campaigns, as well as the community scorecard, interface and JAAP meetings, all of which are essential for implementing the social accountability framework (ISAF) at the district and commune level. The training session used a hybrid method, combining video calls with the trainers at the API office and slide presentations shown by our NGO partners during face-to-face meetings in the field. This latter aspect is essential, as it allows us to conduct group work and class practice despite the fact that field trips are still impossible because of the restrictions related to Covid-19. This activity is part of our project called “Supporting Meaningful Civil Engagement for Improved Accountability by Leveraging Digital Technologies”, which is funded by the European Union and implemented by API together with CARE Cambodia and InSTEDD.