Covid Awareness Raising Campaign

| 8-June-2021

In late April, May and early June 2021, API supported youth volunteers and local authorities in conducting information and awareness campaigns on the prevention of Covid-19 in the districts of Chet Borey (Kratie) and S’ang (Kandal). Covid-19 banners have been placed in residential areas, commune offices, health centres and other public places in order to raise the awareness of citizens on the need to apply protective measures according to official guidelines. This campaign was supported by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) through UNICEF.

In S’ang, we focused on the communes of Threay Sla, S’ang Phnom, Prek Ambel, Prek Koy and Krang Yov.

In Chet Borey, we visited almost every household in the communes of Kantuot, Sambok, Thma Kre, Thma Andaeuk and Koh Chreng, distributing 12 banners to each commune.

This campaign is part of our project called Strengthening Youth Participation in Local Planning and Budgeting, and it engages many young volunteers we would like to thank for their sustained efforts.