Our “Citizens’ Voices and Actions for Sustainable Development” project team conducted a data collection orientation session on 26 August 2021. Volunteers located in the provinces of Kampong Speu, Kampong Thom, Pursat, Kandal and Banteay Meanchey province will now proceed to collect information regarding the 2021 district and commune budgets in our target areas and enter it in our citizen budget analysis app. This data will then be analysed and disseminated to citizens through social media, public forums, and street banners. The orientation session will enable data collectors to better understand the functionality of our citizen budget analysis tool, as well as the importance of budget information for citizen engagement and empowerment. Close to 40 districts and 350 communes will be covered by this initiative. The dissemination of public budget information plays an important role in promoting accountability and transparency for social development. “Citizens’ Voices and Actions for Social Accountability” is a project implemented by API with the financial support of DanChurch Aid and Bread for the World.