Enhancing Local Democratic Governance in Cambodia (2018-2020)

| 5-March-2020

This project set out to strengthen local governance and social accountability in four communes of the Kampong Thom and Banteay Meanchey provinces. It was funded by UNDEF with a total budget of 150,000 dollars. To achieve our goals, we focused on citizens’ participation in monitoring service delivery by local authorities, and we benchmarked this by two citizen scorecard surveys. The first served as the baseline, expressing citizens’ needs and demands, while the end survey evaluated the results achieved. The scorecard findings can be read here. API worked with three implementing partners, the Cambodian Organisation for Women Support (COWS) in Kampong Thom, the Village Support Group (VSG) in Banteay Meanchey, while the Coalition for Partnership in Sub-National Democratic Development (CPDD) disseminated the results in a national conference on social accountability in February 2020. You can read our last project report here.