Foundation Training in Kampong Speu

| 8-September-2020

On August 31 and September 1, our capacity building initiative dedicated to local councillors continued with a foundation training in the province of Kampong Speu. Almost 100 commune, district, municipal and provincial officials joined our project team in an effort to make a first assessment of their institutional capacity, to get a better understanding of their roles as members of the Provincial Association of Local Councillors, as well as to learn how to use the online platform we created for them. By accessing the user friendly and interactive resources we have put together, officials can vastly improve both their function-related, and their digital skills with only a few clicks on their computers or smart phones. In addition, the platform offers the possibility of assessing the training itself, in view of mid-term evaluation process which is due later this year. Our team led by Dr. Vothana Prum also showed the councillors how to create a Telegram group in order to make internal communication more efficient, and theeight target districts in Kampong Speu were offered digital screens to be used for online meetings and presentations.


After the foundation training, between September 2 and 5, we went on to gather data in the field on the problems and demands Kampong Speu residents, and especially vulnerable groups were encountering. Members of the monitoring and evaluation body of the Local Councillors’ Association, as well as representatives of the Commission for Women and Children, joined us in this endeavour aimed at offering small scale grants in order to address local issues. You can find out more details about this EU-financed project which API is implementing in partnership with Aide et Action (AeA) and the Pursat Provincial Association of Local Councillors (AMDCSPUR) on our dedicated page.