Increasing Access to Public Information (IAPI, 2013-2015)

Overall Objective: To contribute to poverty reduction and better protection and promotion of rights and voices, particularly for young people, women and vulnerable people and groups, by promoting a culture of public information disclosure, strengthening democratic participation, and transparency and accountability within the Decentralisation and De-concentration framework in Cambodia, particularly in the targeted Commune and District Councils, and advocating for equitable and sustainable public policy.

Specific Objective: was to increase access to information for both the public and sub-national authorities as fundamental to effective participation and accountability in sub-national governance.

Targeted areas: 49 communes and 10 districts of 5 provinces: Targeted groups: Youth (young), women/mothers, fishermen, farmers, elderly people, people with disabilities, and members of Community Based Organizations


  • Improved local councils’ capacity to provide public access to commune and district information;
  • Increased understanding among target groups on their rights to access to public information;
  • Enhanced capacities of civil society organisations working at sub-national government to advocate for greater transparency and information disclosure;
  • Increased public dialogue on access to information by sub-national and national government officials, the Cambodian Parliament, UN agencies, civil society organisations and donors towards supporting, and developing the passage of an Access to Information (A2I) Law.

You can read summary here.