On November 4, 2021, our project teams organised a quarterly meeting between the community-based organisations active in Krakor (Pursat) and the local councillors representing that district. The main purpose of the meeting was to review the way the challenges and needs of the local communities had been addressed so far. After visiting the forest community of Ou Sandan, where a case of land encroachment had been reported, the chairman of the District Council instructed his office to undertake a thorough investigation of the issue, and encouraged the members of the community to file a complaint to their commune office, once the names of the land grabbers are known. Parallelly, the commune administration promised to get involved in order to sort out the matter. This activity is part of our project called Citizensoandorsquo; Voices and Actions for Sustainable Development in Cambodiaoandordquo;, which is funded by Bread for the World (BfdW) and the DanChurch Aid (DCA), in collaboration with our other initiative dedicated to enhancing the capacity of the Provincial Associations of Local Councillors, which is supported by the European Union (EU).