Koh Nheak: Training for Social Accountability

| 10-September-2021

In the first week of September 2021, our digital ISAF project team conducted a training course for the community accountability facilitators (CAFs) in the Koh Nhaek district of Mundulkiri. The objective of the course was to build the capacity of 18 new CAFs, enabling them to facilitate the Information for Citizens (I4C) awareness and budget disclosure campaigns, as well as to lead the process of monitoring by citizens, facilitate community scorecard, interface and JAAP meetings. After the opening remarks by Mr. Sokchan Phoeurn (CARE Cambodia) and Mr. Socheat Lam (API), our trainers used a hybrid method, combining a videocall with the API office and slide presentations showed by NGO partner staff in a face-to-face meeting in the field.