Legal Training on Economic Land Concessions

| 7-June-2021

At the end of May and beginning of June 2021, our A4A project team organised an online legal training course on economic land concessions in partnership with EWMI and the VISHNU Law Group. The participants were 37 mostly indigenous women from the provinces of Kratie, Kampong Thom, and Pursat, while the main objective of the course was to provide learning opportunities for the beneficiaries and to build their legal capacity. Further focal points of the course included the environmental impact assessment process, public participation and conflict resolution mechanisms. The participants also had the opportunity to share their experience with the legal experts, and learn more about the different types of land concessions, about the legal framework, general criteria, purposes and procedures for requesting such concessions. We were happy to see that the participants were active in group discussions and questions and answers sessions, being able to identify the advantages and disadvantages of individual investment projects, and determine the competent institutions complaints could be filed with.