Local Councillors Learn about Leadership

| 11-June-2021

On 11 June 2021, our project team provided a full day online coaching on leadership skills to more than 100 leaders and members of the six target Provincial Associations of Local Councillors. The main focus was on what makes a good leader, different leadership styles, the difference between management and leadership, teamwork, and mentoring others. The coaches applied multi-approaches to engage participants in the discussion, raising questions to draw on participants’ own potential to find out solutions by themselves. By the end of the coaching session, most participants recognized that good leaders are made, not born. They also shared their experience with different styles of leadership, indicating some lessons they learned and acknowledging the room for improvement in their leadership style. A significant majority expressed the wish to enhance their management and leadership skills, in order to better perform their functions in the local councils. Finally, participants shared ideas about teamwork at their workplaces and identified solutions to improve their working environment. This activity was part of the project called “Strengthening the Institutional and Operational Capacity of Local Councillors’ Associations”, which is funded by the European Union, and implemented by the Association of Local Councillors in Pursat, together with Aide et Action and API.