OW4C: Public Forum in Sangkat Phniet

| 13-October-2021

On 13 October 2021, our OW4C project team conducted a virtual public forum with the residents of Sangkat Phniet (City of Serey Saophoan, Banteay Meanchey). The chiefs of the One Window Service Unit and of the provincial Ombudsman Office, the deputy governor, the heads of the municipal One Window Service and Land Management offices, NGO representatives, monks, and youths joined the forum. The main objectives of this activity were to inform the citizens about the roles and responsibilities of these administrative offices, as well as to create a space for the general public to hold an open dialogue with government representatives, suggesting improvements in the public services delivered. During the forum, citizens raised more than a dozen questions, mostly related to land title transfers, opening procedures for new businesses, and the registration of cars and motorbikes. This initiative is part of our USAID funded project dedicated to the One Window Service and Ombudsman Offices in three provinces.