Project Start: Innovations for Social Accountability

| 12-June-2020

On June 12, API signed the contract with our partners from FHI360 and USAID, marking the official beginning of a new endeavour meant to bring social accountability to Ta Khmao. Cambodian citizens living here will thus have the information, knowledge, and skills necessary to hold local government accountable for public service delivery.

The overall goal of the new project, which is called “Innovations for Social Accountability in Cambodia” (ISAC), is to support citizens in their efforts to improve their own capacity, their access to information, their networks for collective action, thus helping them build public demand for social accountability and develop solutions meant to address their communities’ priorities. The objectives of the new project are:

  1. Improved access to information on government decisions and processes, and on the planning, spending, and investment of public funds
  2. Increased citizen participation and collective initiatives, in order to achieve increased accountability of public service providers
  3. Increased use of new or existing technologies enabling citizen engagement
  4. Education and outreach to raise awareness about the need for accountability and integrity in public administration.

On June 30, the Deputy Governor of the province of Kandal, Mr. Rithy Kim, as well as representatives of the Board of Governors of the municipality of Ta Khmao joined a first courtesy meeting in this project which will cover all Sangkat administrations in the city.