Strengthening Action for Enhanced Road Safety in Cambodia (SAFER Cambodia, 2013-2014)


Overall Objective: Strengthen the law against drinking and driving and to improve its implementation, in contributing to saving lives and reducing injuries from drinking driving related accidents in Cambodia.


API and CRY, with the support of the National and Provincial Raod Safety Committees, organised five public policy forums on drinking and driving in five provicnes with 398 participants (44 women). 15 focus groups discussions were organised during the forum. Findings from the forums exposed gaps in existing road traffic law related to drinking and driving, the current policy is casual and inadequate. There are gaps in traffic law enforcement on drinking and driving as traffic police are not strict and do not enforce the law on powerful and influential rich people. The police lacked equipment and techniques to implement this law. At the forum, a survey conducted with 320 people showed 88% of the respondents support developing a policy on drinking and driving. Recommendations were made to establish a strict policy/legislation, imposing serious penalties, strengthening an approach to prevent drinking and driving, and also accelerating an alcohol policy.

A RSN meeting was conducted and eight main topics were presented and discussed. As a result participants knowledge on road safety increased, an issues statement was produced and some challenges were solved. By June, 25 questionnaires were completed. The team continues to follow up remaining RSN members who have not yet completed the questionnaire.

The project team also attended a number of activities which were organised by the Cambodian Red Cross, NRSC, HIB, CRY, and AIP Foundation.

Four main challenges were encountered. Firstly, it was difficult to get Government speakers and make them in focusing on topic. Secondly, the National and Provincial RSC illustrated its limited ownership in the activity. Thirdly, addressing the findings of issue gaps in policy and enforcement with new drafted traffic law. Fourthly, time constraints in developing advocacy training materials fit for all stakeholders. In addition API has its challenge of investing more staff than planned in the project implementation.