Training Courses

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Advocacy Expert Training

Advocacy Expert Training

Public officials currently still have a limited understanding of the right to access public information. Misconceptions about this topic are still widespread, generally being only based on superficial coverage during television and radio programmes or on social media. This training aims to build the capacity of sub-national government officials and local councillors on the key contents of the draft for an A2I law and other relevant legislation, as well as on the guidelines to be implemented in the field of information management and disclosure to support the open government initiative. During the course, our trainers will explain the positive impact of information release, and participants will share their experience and their current practices of information disclosure. As a result, they will become familiar with their roles and duties in disclosing information, the procedures of requesting and supplying information, the concept of confidential information, the complaint mechanisms available, and the sanctions the new draft law stipulates for non-compliance and failure to disclose public information. The course also aims at teaching public officials how to manage information in insightful ways, using modern technology.
30 days
1500 USD
Public Policy Analysis

Public Policy Analysis

The main goal of this course is to build capacity for advocates to better engage in the strategic policy dialogues, especially in the formulation and the implementation of policies and strategies. The training sessions are designed and conducted to answer questions like: Why do policies, policy implementation practices and gaps in policies matter at all? What are the priorities, problems and solutions related to a certain, concrete policy? Who are the key stakeholders involved in or affected by that policy? How to design an advocacy action plan for addressing the identified issues? What are the main concepts, frameworks, techniques, principles, and best practices used in advocacy? How to debate on critical issues, develop advocacy messages, and prepare advocacy briefing papers for policy makers, the media and the general public? How to develop tools for monitoring the results of the advocacy campaigns, especially the results of meetings with government officials? Which individual and interpersonal skills, which networks, which teambuilding measures are relevant for advocacy, and how to develop good leadership?
5 days
250 USD
I-SAF for Local Councillors and Administrations
Implementing the Social Accountability Framework (I-SAF)

I-SAF for Local Councillors and Administrations

In order to ensure that local authorities, public schools or health centres provide quality services, officials working in these institutions need to be trained about the social accountability framework. By participating in this training, they will learn about of Cambodia’s strategy in this field, but they will also gain a better understanding of their own, concrete performance requirements, of the standards for their services, of the idea of open budgets, as well as of citizens’ rights. Implementing the Social Accountability Framework (I-SAF) is a broad reform package assumed by the Government of Cambodia and aimed at improving the quality of public services by making administration officials and service providers more responsive and sensitive to the needs and rights of citizens. Citizens are the final beneficiaries of these services, and they have the right to hold the providers accountable, assess the quality of the services and participate in decisions concerning these fields.
6 days
300 USD
Engaging in Commune Planning and Budgeting
Local Governance

Engaging in Commune Planning and Budgeting

This course is similar to the previous one (LG1), and it has the same target groups and methods, but it focuses on planning and budgeting at the level of communes and sangkat administrations. Trainees representing youth groups or other civil society organisations will get the chance to advocate for their concerns to be taken into account by commune or sangkat officials, and to be integrated into the annual Commune Investment Plans (CIPs).
3 days
150 USD
I-SAF for NGOs, CBOs and CAFs
Implementing the Social Accountability Framework (I-SAF)

I-SAF for NGOs, CBOs and CAFs

10 days
500 USD
Disclosing Public Information
Access to Information (A2I)

A2I – Disclosing Public Information

Public officials currently still have a limited understanding of the right to access public information. Misconceptions about this topic are still widespread, generally being only based on superficial coverage during television and radio programmes or on social media. This training aims to build the capacity of sub-national government officials and local councillors on the key contents of the draft for an A2I law and other relevant legislation, as well as on the guidelines to be implemented in the field of information management and disclosure to support the open government initiative. During the course, our trainers will explain the positive impact of information release, and participants will share their experience and their current practices of information disclosure. As a result, they will become familiar with their roles and duties in disclosing information, the procedures of requesting and supplying information, the concept of confidential information, the complaint mechanisms available, and the sanctions the new draft law stipulates for non-compliance and failure to disclose public information. The course also aims at teaching public officials how to manage information in insightful ways, using modern technology.
3 days
150 USD
Grassroots Advocacy Training

Grassroots Advocacy Training

This training focuses on the main concepts, skills and attitudes grassroots advocates should possess. By the end of the course, participants will become convincing when explaining their issues related to local services and will understand the roles of relevant stakeholders as spelled out in relevant local democratic development plans, laws and policies. Together, we will learn about methods and strategies for advocating at the sub-national level, we will develop advocacy plans and learn how to monitor advocacy actions.
3 days
150 USD
Lobby Skills

Lobby Skills

In this course, we are focusing on the distinction between lobbying and advocacy, we define the role of a lobbyist, we analyse stakeholders and power relations, and we develop a strategic communication plan. We also learn how to draft a talking point, a briefing note and a position paper, how to arrange a meeting with government representatives, and how to develop lobbying plans, methods and tools.  
3 days
150 USD
Local Fundraising
Change the Game Academy

Local Fundraising

The main goal of the course is to strengthen the capacity of civil society organisations when they engage in local fundraising and local resource mobilization. The main target group are organisations with no or only little experience in these fields. But even if more relevant experience is available, we are convinced that the participants will still find the information, tools and exercises offered in this course extremely useful. The training deploys a blended learning approach, that is a combination of face to face classroom sessions, e-learning tools and materials, as well as collective and individual coaching. This training package is also organised in partnership with the Cooperation Committee for Cambodia (CCC) and it is part of the programme called “Change the Game Academy”, funded by the Wilde Ganzen Foundation (Netherlands).
7 days
150 USD