Request public info

A2I – Requesting Public Information

  • standard
  • 5 days
  • 250 USD
Access to information is a fundamental right of everyone, including citizens, government officials, public service providers, representatives of the private sector and NGOs. It is crucial in promoting transparency, accountability and fight against corruption. In other words, it enhances people’s knowledge and promotes effective participation. In this course, representatives of civil society organisations will get a better understanding of the right to access public information and the principles it is based on. Our trainers will present the main Cambodian laws, policies and regulations currently governing this field, will provide details on the roles and duties public officials have in this respect, and will also elaborate on the contents of the new Draft for an Access to Information Law.

Other Training


Advocacy Skill


5 days

250 USD


Advanced Advocacy


6 days

300 USD

Mobilising Support

Mobilising Support


11 days

120 USD