Engaging in District Planning and Budgeting

Engaging in District Planning and Budgeting

  • standard
  • 3 days
  • 150 USD
Our aim here is to build the capacity of NGOs, youth groups and other community based organisations in the areas of citizens’ right to participate in planning and budgeting processes at the district level. We will learn about the roles and responsibilities of district authorities, enabling participants to gain the skills needed during budget dialogues and negotiations. Trainees will get the chance to share their knowledge with their teams, club or members, in an effort to advocate for their concers to be taken into account when the district authorities decide on the three year rolling investment plans (IP3). Moreover, our trainers will provide technical and logistic support, as welll as teach participants how to actively engage their members, collect issues and inputs from them and effectively represent them in the district annual planning and rolling investment planning processes.

Other Training


Advocacy Skill


5 days

250 USD


Advanced Advocacy


6 days

300 USD

Mobilising Support

Mobilising Support


11 days

120 USD