Voices and Actions of Young Women Leaders and Entrepreneurs (2019-2023)

| 5-March-2023

Under Pact Cambodia’s WE Act project, API has joined forces with the Independent Democracy of Informal Economy Association (IDEA), which is an association currently representing hundreds of informal street and market vendors in Phnom Penh, of whom 95% are women. Together, we are trying to strengthen their capacity to mobilise support and engage in advocacy, based on API’s facilitation expertise. Our key target group here are 20 local young women leaders who are learning to negotiate for their and their groups of market and street vendors’ concerns. Ten further participants from other women’s micro-entrepreneur networks and/or youth leaders have been invited to join API’s applied advocacy capacity development programme. This initiative is funded by USAID, the total budget being around 35,000 dollars. After 2020, in the context of the growing social problems caused by the Covid pandemic, the project is focusing increasingly on the issue of social protection. You can read our latest report here.