Therefore, with the support of Voice, a Dutch grant facility operated in Cambodia by Oxfam, and in cooperation with our partners from Epic Arts, API has decided to undertake an innovative approach aiming at substantially increasing the inclusion and participation of persons with disabilities in some of the most important aspects of social life in their communities, as well as in the I-SAF reform process itself, since it is here that decisions are being made as to how essential public services will be offered in the future.
Currently, we are running this project in seven communes in the Takeo province, based on a budget of 150,000 US dollars. Yet we believe the results we will achieve and the lessons learnt can easily be generalised and applied in similar areas all over the country.
Our approach is mainly based on amplifying the voices of people with disabilities living in these seven communities by means of offering them the opportunity to express how they feel in an open, free and enabling environment. We especially encourage people with different disabilities – such as visual, hearing, mobility or learning impairments – to give feedback on education, health or administrative services, in an effort to identify the main barriers they are confronted with. The diversity of our project participants, many of whom also belong to otherwise disadvantaged groups – women, youth, low income population – is key to a proper representation of the complex reality in the field, as well as to the validity of the results our research is hoping to deliver.