Overall Objective: To support the drafting of an effective Cambodian Access to Information law by engaging the sectoral base, assessing the policy gaps, and providing inputs for integration.
- With the inputs from UN agencies (UNESCO and OHCHR) and civil society organisations (CSO) the A2I Technical Working Group completed the draft of A2I law and disseminated the document on 31 January, 2018;
- The whole contents of the draft of A2I law was reviewed by a legal team with consultations among the members of CSO A2IWG;
- Two analysis reports on the Secrecy of Information and a Complaint Mechanism developed and submitted to the Ministry of Information, the UNESCO and OHCHR;
- The nine (9) legal reviews and analysis were consolidated into one report, printed and distributed to all relevant Government Ministries, NGOs, Private Sectors and the general public;
- The reports contributed to development of drafting of A2I laws, and to guide all relevant actors, especially relevant Ministries in development and/or amendment of the policies and laws with maximum information disclosures to be in line with A2I law after the new law is approved;
- In collaboration with sectoral based NGO networks, the discussions, the inputs and recommendations compiled for supporting the development of the draft A2I law;
- A training curriculum on “Access to Information” was developed which included key contents of A2I law and guidelines, role of sub-national in disclosing information, democratic development, the implementation of social accountability framework (I-SAF), organic law, and information management; and
- A compilation of CSO inputs from all sectorial consultative forums was developed and it was also reviewed and finalized by the CSO A2IWG members.
You can read summary here.