Our Identity

The Advocacy and Policy Institute (API) is a Cambodian non-governmental organisation active in advocacy, policy influencing, good governance and civic engagement. Capacity building and dialogue facilitation are at the heart of our efforts towards democratic and sustainable development.


We have received widespread aclaim from both local and international organisations for our reliability, relevance and professionalism. Over a time span of almost two decades, API has helped institutionalise advocacy skills and has been striving to make local democratic and accountable governance a reality. To these ends, we have been conducting more than 300 training courses for over 10,000 participants affiliated with civil society and community-based organisations, local councils, media outlets, trade unions, Government institutions and the Cambodian Parliament.


API is unique in Cambodia’s civil society in serving as a connector and facilitator for citizens’ empowerment in their interaction with government at all levels. API has acquired first-hand experience on policy issues like access to information (A2I) through its grassroots work. Based on this vast experience, we are in the best position to make the voices of ordinary citizens count in policy-making at the national level. Here we have been trying to support government actors serve citizens according to the law and contribute to an enabling environment for citizens and civil society to express their concerns. Finally, we have been playing an important role in helping citizens understand their rights, access to information and make use of the opportunities for engagement offered by various laws and government policies.


Our programmes are guided by a human rights based approach. API serves all Cambodians and values the diversity of gender, sexual orientation and identity, (dis)ability, ethnicity, faith and political opinons. At the same time, we are especially committed to support the most disadvantaged in their efforts to make their voices heard.

Our Core Values


All Cambodians have the right to participate, mobilise and express themselves in matters that affect their daily lives.


All matters should be resolved peacefully and justly according to the principles of our shared humanity.


Particularly at the community level, it is the most sustainable way of building a brighter future for all Cambodians.


Engaging with all social sectors ensures that when solutions are reached, they are of the greatest benefit to communities.


Being transparent, accountable, independent, and non-partisan helps build an organization that earns the respect and confidence of both the Cambodian people and the international community.

Our Impact


Participation Makes a Difference

Whether or not citizens are actively involved in decisions affecting them is not only a fundamental criterion distinguishing democratic from authoritarian societies. It also reflects on the quality of public services, and, ultimately, on the quality of life. At API, we’ve been doing our best to make citizens’ participation the only game in town, especially at the local level.


Our Push for Access to Information

Anyone who has ever tried to get an official document or licence, to open a company, work on a research project or merely avoid being overcharged can witness to how vital reliable access to information is. At API, we’ve always made it one of our top priorities to advocate for a law regarding this basic right, as well as for public institutions that respect it.


API in Facts and Figures

Over the past 15 years, our organisation has come a long way, from a small programme established by our international partners to a well known actor playing a leading role in local civil society. We are now active in almost two thirds of Cambodia’s provinces, and we are implementing more than ten projects at any given moment.


Citizens Can Change Policies

None of us is totally happy with all the laws and regulations of the countries we live in. Some might not protect our rights well enough, others, on the contrary, might impose restrictions we don’t consider justified or might not be sufficiently clear, thus giving was to abuse. At API, we strongly believe that people can change laws and policies, and our advocacy record shows that we are right.

Our Vision

The Advocacy and Policy Institute’s vision is a Cambodian nation that – through poverty reduction and the protection of human rights – creates a national culture of harmony with sustainable democratic, political, and economic stability.

Our Mission

The organisation’s mission is to serve the long term democratic and social development needs of Cambodia through the empowerment of people to interact with their government to protect their rights and provide for their needs.

API is committed to working together with all national and international institutions who share its values of advocating for positive and peaceful social change. API also seeks to encourage coordination among government institutions, citizens and the private sector.

Our Goal

The organisation’s goal is to widen Cambodia’s democratic space by creating more effective advocates and responsive government institutions.

Our Board of Directors

Chandara Soeurng

Chair of Board

Phoungmaly Nhean

Board Member

Kasumi Nakagawa

Board Member

Bunthoeun Thann


Michael Engquist

Board Member

Our Former Board of Directors

Nee Meas

Chair of Board

Sokleang Kim

Board Member

Chandy Chea

Board Member

Kuntheara Tep

Board Member

Sangkoma Yang

Board Member

Rebacca (Pem) F. Catalla

Board Member

Haidy Ear Dupuy

Board Member

Yutsakara Phon

Board Member

Kimchoeun Pak

Board Member

Bunsang Khuon

Board Member

Our Team

Socheat Lam


Somaly Chorn

Head of Admin & Finance

Vanpannit Man

Head of Program

Chanbora Tep

Fundraising and Business Development Specialist

Vong-Sopheap Kry

MEAL Specialist

Thary Tan

ICT and Internet Monitoring Specialist

Chanpisith DY

ICT and E-Learning Platform Specialist

Ratha Phan

Program Manager

Koemseng Chren

Senior Project Officer

Srey Leab Souern

Project Officer

Pitou Chhay

Senior Programme Officer and Trainer

Vicheka Vuth

Project Assistant

Pisey Chhorn

Project Assistant

Sovanny Hong

Senior Programme Officer and Trainer

Oeurn Sim

Senior Program Officer & Trainer

Sophorn Pho

Project Officer

Poly Em

Senior Program Officer & Trainer

Phetra Phal

Project Officer

Sok-Heng Lonh

Senior Admin-Finance & Grant Officer

Prayuth Kamm

Senior Admin-HR & Procurement Officer

Solyna Sin

Finance & Internal Control Officer

Vannak Than

Junior Accounting Officer

Visang Oeuk

Administrative Decentralization Advisor

Mao Phen

Project Officer

Mengly Heng

Project Officer

Sinat Bun

Office Attendant

Chansidavuth Prak

Admin and Procurement Professional

Our Former Team

Sinthay Neb

Executive Director

Phorpbarmey Phan

Senor Program Manager

Lars Krause

Organizational Development and Fundraising Adviser

Ham Pol

APP Director

Sopheap Chea

Senior Programme Officer and Trainer

Sotha Ros

Senoir Program Officer

Meta Yoib

Senoir Program Officer

Rithy Oun

Senior Project Officer

Chhengla Leap

Programme Officer

Sorthy So

Communications Specialist

Mao Phen

Project Officer

Bondream Cheuy

Project Officer

Phorn Houn

Project Officer

Phalavatey Huon

Project Officer

Sokhuon In

Project Officer

Chandy Chea

Programme Officer

Chhunneat Tak

Trainer & Program officer

Sophal Phon


You I Tay

Admin/HR & Procurement Officer

Mouykim Am

Admin & Finance Officer

Chakriya Hor

Admin & Finance Officer

Maria Chhit

Admin & Finance Manager

Sambo Samrith

Admin & Finance Manager

Chanisai Muong

CSO Program Officer

Rith Dara

Program Officer

Nina Khim

Program Officer

Sreyleak Nob

Senior Program Officer

Kosal Svay

Program Officer

Sophorn Tieng

Program Officer

Sotheavy Kann

Program Officer

Han Keam

Program Officer

KeoPonha Ny

Program Officer

Sreypech Um

Program & MEAL Officer

Virak Nuon

Program Officer

Oeun Ky

Program Officer

Line Pen

Project Officer

Sophal Chhun

Project Officer

Phat Phom

Project Officer

Sopheakchakriya Pal

Project Officer

Sokhalay Chea

Project Assistant

Sophat Mark

Project Officer