API Empower Communities for Social Accountability

| 21-ខែ​ធ្នូ-2022

API has showcased the proud achievement from its effective capacity building model to Community Accountability Facilitator (CAFs) (Indigenous People) in a National Learning Forum on the Implementation of the Social Accountability Framework (I-SAF) Phase II in Siem Reap from 19-21 December 2022. Please find slide presentation on Capacity Building to CAF Indigenous People and An Effective Capacity Building Model for CAFs by API in English and Khmer.


Accountability Facilitators are now the agent of change. They are requesting public information, networking for collective action and developing solutions to the issues in their communities. They are just volunteers who want to see the improvement of social accountability, but through their actions the community prevails.

Innovations for Social Accountability in Cambodia, known in short as I-SAF (2020-2023) is a project helping citizens improve their capacity of requesting public information, networking for collective action, and developing solutions to the problems facing the local community.

Using modern tech solutions, API will thus enable residents to score the performance of public service providers and actively participate in developing and implementing joint accountability action plans with representatives of local authorities.