Citizens’ Voices and Actions for Sustainable Development in Cambodia (2019-2025)
Benefiting from the generous support of DanChurchAid (DCA) and Bread for the World to the tune of almost 600,000 dollars, this ambitious endeavour has the overall objective of fulfilling the rights and enhancing the voices of citizens, in an effort to make the country’s development more sustainable. On the one hand, we want to actively engage right holders, especially women, youth, people with disability, low income citizens and their community based organisations (CBOs), encouraging them to get involved in the processes of public planning and budgeting at the district level. The latter has been playing a much bigger role since 2020. Citizens and CBOs should hold authorities accountable for service delivery and budget implementation. On the other hand, we would like to see an improvement in the citizens’ access to public information, especially when it comes to public budgets. We are pursuing activities related to this project in nine provinces. You can read our latest report, watch our project videos, or dive into the details following this link.