Our Services

Advocacy in Cambodia has come a long way since it emerged in the early 1990s. Increasing numbers of Cambodians recognise that advocacy can push policy-makers to implement changes, thereby improving the lives of individuals and communities. As more Cambodians become aware of the power of advocacy, demand has arisen for capacity development initiatives that support community advocacy groups on issues such as land disputes, corruption, law enforcement, natural resource management, freedom of expression, labour conditions, and human rights. There is more, however, that needs to be done for Cambodian civil society and community-based organisations to effectively voice and promote their needs and demands.


Train with API

The Advocacy and Policy Institute (API) works towards building capacity for Cambodian advocates with regard to advocacy skills and policy development. API therefore seeks to strengthen the policy influencing capacity of Cambodian advocates from across all sectors and community levels. The aim of API is to help Cambodian advocates acquire new knowledge and skills in designing, managing, implementing, and evaluating lobbying and advocacy campaigns and initiatives, as well as in consolidating relationships with Government institutions, determining policy makers to implement change and address community issues.


What we Offer

In response to the pressing needs and demands of emerging Cambodian advocates, API has designed several types of trainings:

Consulting Services

Beside trainings, API also offers various other on-demand capacity building and consulting services tailored for the needs of civil society and community based organisations. In order for us to be able to assess your needs and find the best solutions, please do not hesitate to contact us using the form below, specifying the issues your organisation wants covered.

Our Trainers and Facilitators


Socheat Lam



Sinthay Neb

Consultant, Senior Trainer and Former API Director


Samoeun Sok

Consultant Trainer


Thary Tan

ICT Trainer


Phorp-Barmey Phan

Senior Programme Manager and Trainer


Vanpannit Man

Senior Programme Manager and Trainer


Pitou Chhay

Senior Programme Officer and Trainer


Sopheap Chea

Senior Programme Officer and Trainer


Oeurn Sim

Master Trainer


Sovanny Hong

Programme Officer and Trainer


Chhunneat Tak

Programme Officer and Trainer


“After I attended the Local Fundraising course, my soft skills definitely improved, and I could use them in order to develop small projects and address some issues in our target provinces. For example, while conducting meetings with commune councillors and other authorities, I have applied what I learnt both during this course and during the Mobilising Support Training. This gave me more courage to raise issues, talk about our needs and request clear answers.” (Pry Phally Phuong, BCV, Phnom Penh)

“In the training about requesting information from authorities, I learnt how to make such requests without fear. I believe it is the duty of the officials to provide an answer and respond to our needs. Once there is a clear law about this, it will be easier to get the required information, because this right will be defined better.” (Romorm Leap, youth from the province of Ratanakiri)

“Access to information is crucial for local communities, such as the forestry and fishing villages. If they know more about how things work and about what the rules are, they can be better citizens and adhere more to the law.” (Samnang Ork, Councillor in the Santuk district, province of Kampong Thom)

“The Mobilising Support Training Course helped us acquire more advocacy skills and start advocating at the national level, which is something we had never done before. So, after the training, Kdei Karona was able to directly address the Ministry of Education in order to promote gender equality. As a result, our programme was included in the national curriculum.” (Vuthy Bun, Kdei Karona, Phnom Penh)

Request a Training with API

To submit a request for an API training package or more information, please use the form below: