Our Publications

Since its establishment in 2003, API has produced a range of advocacy publications in both Khmer and English that provide advocates and lobbyists with a better understanding of advocacy concepts, as well as guidance on how to conduct successful advocacy campaigns. Beyond this material directed towards a broader public, we would also like to present our annual and multi-annual reports, our latest strategic plan, as well as further documents that define our priorities or assess our achievements. Finally, API documented more than 100 case studies underlining the impact of its projects, some of which can be found in our archive.

Strategic Plan 2024 - 2028

This Strategic Plan is aligned with the RGC's Pentagonal Strategy and the UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework, Cambodia 2024 - 2028, that has as intended outcome, among others: "By 2028, people in Cambodia, especially those at risk of being left behind, live in an increasingly gender-equal and inclusive society with an active civic space and enjoying more effective and accountable institutions."

Download our Full Plan in English Download our Full Plan in Khmer

Latest Annual Report

With API’s 4th Strategic Plan (SP) for the period of 2019 to 2023, API pursues the strategic goal of realising the rights and enhancing the voices of citizens for sustainable development in Cambodia with a focus on women, youth and disadvantaged groups (low-income citizens, persons with disabilities, indigenous people and out of school children in Cambodia. In 2022, API has completed and achieved positive results under four main strategic outcomes in 15 provinces and at the national level.

Download our Report

API News

Commune and District Budget Analysis Report 2021-2022
API Won First Place Award on most significant change story for the WE ACT
Statement of Political Parties' Commitment on Access to Information for All
Training on Mobilizing Support
Mr. Lam Socheat: My Parents Sold Farm Land for My Education and It is Stange for My Villagers
API expresses our deepest concern at withdrawal of the license of VOD Khmer
API and Change the Game CSOs Promote Positive Social Causes
Public Statement and Recommendations from the CSO on dra​Law​ of Public Finance System
Civil Society Issued a Joint Statement on Access to Information Law
Public Statement from the CSOs on the 5th Partnership Forum on January 10 2023
Legal Analysis Report on the Draft Law of Public Procurement
API Empower Communities for Social Accountability
API and Civil Society Organizations Jointly Address Corruption in The Kingdom
iMAP State of Internet Censorship
I4C and Scorecard Meetings in Sen Sok
New CAFs Learn about I-SAF
Reflection Workshop for Local Councillors
Field Visit to Ou Sandan
CBOs Raise Issues with District Officials
CAFs Get Trained in Social Protection
OW4C: Dissemination Session in Poipet
Digital I-SAF: New CAFs Get Trained in Koh Kong
OW4C: Public Forum in Sangkat Phniet
Field Visit in Prasat Ballangk
Authorities Visit Vegetable Farms
Dialogue Between Authorities and Communities
Inception Meeting for Social Protection Project
Digital I-SAF: New CAFs Recruited and Trained
Dispute Resolution Training for CBOs
CtGA: Mobilising Support Courses for IDEA and CamboJA
Chet Borey: Review Meeting with Indigenous Women
CtGA: Coaching Session with Kdei Karuna
Dissemination Session on OWSO and Ombudsman Office
Ou Ambel: Public Forum on the OWSO and Ombudsman Offices
Thma Kol: Meeting of the OWSO Accountability Group
OW4C: Public Forum in Sangkat Nimit
Chet Borey: Training Session for New CAFs
Koh Nheak: Training for Social Accountability
CBOs Raise Issues with Local Councillors
Coaching Session for CBOs
CBOs Get Coached
CtGA: Advocacy Training Sessions for CSOs
Data Collection on Commune and District Budgets
Public Forum on One Window Services
OW4C: Public Forum in Poipet
Self-Help Meeting in Mongkul Borey
Land Encroachment Issue Reported by CBOs
OW4C: Public Forum in Serey Saophoan
New CAFs Learn About Social Accountability
CBOs Learn How to Deal with District Authorities
Bikes for Vulnerable Kids
Help for Low-Income Families
Advocacy Skills for Women Street Vendors
Local Councillors Get Coaching on Project Management
OW4C: Public Forum in Kampong Chhnang
Youths Reflect on Commune Planning and Budgeting
People with Disabilities Get Started with Poultry Raising
Veal Vaeng: Water Wells for Indigenous People
Local Councillors Consolidate Good Governance Skills
Phnom Kravanh: Vulnerable Families Get Support
OW4C Project Review Meeting with the Administration
Advocacy Training for Women Street Vendors
CAF Reflection Meeting
Livestock Raising Project
Local Youths Get Involved in Awareness Campaigns
OW4C Project Orientation Sessions in Poipet and Serey Saophoan
Dissemination Campaign on Commune Budgeting
Second Round of the Covid Awareness Campaign
Local Councillors Learn about Leadership
Consultative Workshop on One Window Services
Facilitation Skills for Local Councillors
Covid Awareness Raising Campaign
Legal Training on Economic Land Concessions
Small-Scale Initiatives by Local Councillors
More Humanitarian Aid for Low-Income Families
Young Cambodians Need More Tech Education
Communication Workshop for Citizen Journalists
Water Filters and Training Courses for Vulnerable Groups
Talk-Show on Social Accountability and Inclusion
Survey on How the Covid Crisis Affects Women Entrepreneurs
Communication Skills for Indigenous Women
Workshop for I-SAF Implementers
Covid Awareness Campaign
CBOs Learn About Decentralisation and Budgets
Indigenous Women Learn About Commune Investment Plans
Technical Training Course for Local Councillors
Civil Society Talks on Social Protection
Talk-Show on Access to Information
Pidor Is Launched in Serey Saophoan and Poi Pet
Survey on Women in Leadership Roles
Youths Present their Initiative Plans
Scorecard Review Meeting
Our Annual Report for 2020 Is Out
Small-Scale Youth Initiatives
Statement on the International Women's Day
Grassroots Advocacy Course for Indigenous Women
Access for All: API Kickstarts New Project
The Ministry of Finance Has Published the 2021 Subnational Budget
Joint Letter on the 2021 Administration Budget
Second JAAP Monitoring Meeting in Khan Sen Sok
Reflection Workshop on Voices of Persons with Disabilities
Foundation Training in Kampong Speu
Need Assessment for Vulnerable Groups
Kampong Thom Councillors Get Foundation Training
Foundation Workshop for Local Councillors
API Is Responding to the Covid-19 Challenge
Small Scale Initiatives for Vulnerable Groups
Updates on the Draft for an A2I Law
Learn about the One Window Service Offices
API Welcomes New Project Officer Mengly Heng
We Debated about the Access to Information
Project Start: Innovations for Social Accountability
Young Phnom-Penhers Learn about Social Accountability
"Hello, this is the One Window Service Office!"
Battambang Youth Learn about the Ombudsman
API Invites Villagers to Talk about Disabilities
Local Councillors Training Project Kicks Off
7th Cambodia General Elections: Internet Censorship Monitoring
iMAP Cambodia 2023 Internet Censorship Report